Hey there everybody! Today I thought I'd share one of my favourite dessert recipes, Peppermint Crisp Tart. It's an easy recipe with few ingredients, and such a crowd pleaser! It's the perfect dessert to take along to a party!
Video link: https://youtu.be/h-vMOfhb0no
Serving size: 8-10 people
200g Shortbread Biscuits
3 Tbsp melted Butter
250mℓ Whipping Cream
350mℓ Caramel
130g Peppermint Chocolate
Blend shortbread biscuits into fine crumbs.
Place the crumbs into a dish and add melted butter. Combine until crumbs have a wet-sand-like texture.
Even out the layer of biscuits to form a crust.
Place the whipping cream in a bowl and whip until stiff peaks form.
Add caramel and combine.
Add 100g grated peppermint chocolate into mixture and combine.
Place the caramel mixture into the dish and even it out.
Add 30g grated peppermint chocolate on top.
Cover with plastic and chill for 3-4 hours/ overnight.
Serve and enjoy!